Address the following:

  • How are decisions made about what kinds of courses and instruction to offer?
  • How are courses and instruction evaluated to determine whether they are high quality?
  • How does the consortium ensure that all students have access to sufficient intensity of instruction in order to make learning gains?
  • How does instruction incorporate the essential components of reading instruction (alphabetics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension)?

Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe’s ABE program follows the Minnesota ABE Eligible Content Policy. Course offerings are based on cost and client need. Client need is based on survey results, assessment scores, goals, and barriers to address.

The courses we currently offer follow the Minnesota ABE Eligible Content Policy. We are familiar with them and feel confident in being able to meet clients’ needs with them. Occasionally there are instances, such as with certain disabilities, where we look to find learning material that addresses accessibility issues better. All curriculum is state supported for Minnesota Adult Education.

Our offices are open year-round from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Classroom services are available daily in DI, our most often used classroom and Urban classroom. Classrooms in DII have instructors available 3 to 4 days a week. Offices in DIII have instructors available 1 to 2 days a week. Classrooms that don’t have an instructor 5 days a week have others on staff to assist with services and can always contact any of the instructors for guidance. We are happy to work with clients to ensure we are available at a time and day that works best for them.

Our classroom at Aazhoomog (30 miles East of Hinckley, along the Minnesota and Wisconsin border) is the most challenging to provide service to. Internet is severely limited and slow. Cell reception is largely non-existent. While all staff have cell phone access. The most reliable method of communication is via land line phone, which works well for them, and us – though sometimes we need to relay messages from Aazhoomog, to the DI office, and back to the DIII staff. Our main phone line is tied to the Mille Lacs Band Government Center, which improves access for them and we happily work to ensure their needs are met.

Distance learning platforms are available for all clients, along with the ability to check out Chromebooks and receive internet assistance. We also provide work packets for those that prefer them or have limited access to internet.

Our most frequently used curriculum is GED Academy, which offers the essential components of reading instruction.


Describe how the consortium’s distance/hybrid learning programming has expanded over the past 2 years. Address the lessons learned and best practices adopted in recent years, as well as intentions and plans for continued improvement of distance and hybrid learning.

The global pandemic of COVID-19 significantly impacted program operations. All MLBO government offices were open by appointment only from mid-March to summer 2020. In summer 2020, governmental operations and Aanjibimaadizing offices started moving back to normal operations. In fall of 2020, the number of COVID-19 cases in reservation communities and counties started skyrocketing. This led to the closing of MLBO government offices and Aanjibimaadizing in November 2020 with Offices reopening in February 2021. Limited staff in the offices led to delays in client request processing and limited training opportunities.

GED Academy and other digital platforms were already in place, and we began relying on them almost immediately. We incorporated Zoom into our operations in April of 2020. Most staff already had access cellphones and laptops or computers to work from home. Webcams, printers and scanners were assigned to the staff that needed them. Chromebooks were purchased to assign to clients. We began using Laserfiche – a digital business process automation platform – to complete financial transactions. Using Laserfiche, were also able to move our application process online. Most recently, One Span was integrated to provide wet signatures.

We are continuing to move processes online, such as our Release of Information. At this point all processes can be completed remotely, though access to One Tribe requires a VPN which those who need it, have. The instructional staff does not have VPN access as they rarely work remotely. In cases where they are working remotely, One Tribe entries are done the next day, or are emailed to the client’s case manager to enter. Entries are typed so they are ready to copy and paste into the database.


Give an overview of how the consortium has integrated all three sets of the state’s content standards for ABE (CCRS, ACES/TIF and Northstar) into instruction to date. Address the following. Refer to document J as appropriate.

What content standards training have staff participated in?

  • How has instruction changed as a result of standards integration?
  • How are the standards used to plan for instruction?
  • How have the standards informed changes in course offerings and program structures?

As a new consortium, standards integration has not affected our process or called for changes for many years. In the past we worked to provide curriculum that met standards. Deb Campbell has been working with our department for over 15 years and was instrumental in developing a GED assistance program within the Mille Lacs Band. She was largely responsible for putting the processes we are currently using were largely in place. When working with Milaca Schools, alignment was confirmed. When choosing curriculum, we ensure that they meet or exceed the current standards and at renewal, check to see that they still do.

Our students primarily graduate with a GED. Nay Ah Shing Schools alternative learning program, Oshki-Maajitaadaa, provides credit recovery. We plan to work with them when credit recovery or the Minnesota Adult Education Adult Diploma Program (ADP) is an option. With the success of our youth program working with the local schools, it is not expected that this will be used often.


In the process of striving for quality, we have been working to have all ABE curriculum meet the College and Career Readiness Standards (CCRS) to offer the best for our clients.


We currently provide many trainings related to employability and work with clients frequently to assist with professional development. We partner with Pine Technical and Community College to provide hard skills training as well. Staff will be taking training to ensure we meet ACES/TIF requirements.

Northstar Digital Literacy

Staff has begun taking proctor training so participants can receive a certificate of credentials. We are very familiar with the program and encourage all of staff to participate in it as well.

Refer to Document J.


Give an overview of college and/or career-focused programming, including Integrated Education and Training (IET) programming, transitions to postsecondary programming or programming that helps students attain a recognized credential or certification. Refer to document I where appropriate.

As a WIOA program, we also provide Integrated Education and Training (IET) programming, transitions to postsecondary programming, and programming that helps students attain a recognized credential or certification. We work with students to identify career and life goals and develop Employment Development Plans that are customized to their needs and the barriers they need to overcome.

Refer to:

  1. Aanjibimaadizing Program Policies and Procedures Manual
  2. Aanjibimaadizing 477 Plan
  3. Aanjibimaadizing FY22 477 Narrative
  4. Document I


Give an overview of any current adult diploma programming, which allows ABE students to complete a high school diploma (not high school equivalency assessment prep, such as the GED®/HiSET®). Include credit completion adult diploma programming, as well as Standard Adult Diploma programming. Refer to Document I as appropriate. 

We do not currently have an adult diploma program, but hope to develop one in the future.


Describe how volunteers are utilized and trained in the consortium. Address the following:

What are common activities and roles for volunteers?

  • How do volunteers enhance student success in the consortium?
  • How are the consortium’s volunteers oriented and trained? (Training requirements are outlined in the Volunteer Training Standards Policy.)
  • What training is provided and/or required on an ongoing basis for volunteers, locally and/or through other entities? (Volunteers who have tutored for more than one year are required to participate in a minimum of 2 hours of professional development annually after initial training, as outlined in the Volunteer Training Standards Policy.)

Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe ABE does not have any volunteers. If we should get volunteers, they will be offered an orientation and work under the supervision of instructional staff. They will have the opportunity to take the mandated trainings required.